
The main scripture for the Taoist faith is the Dao De Jing (道德经) , and it is the fundamental scripture a Taoist should study.

My master started the website to allow everyone to access Taoist scriptures recited in rituals and important religious ceremonies. It is a great resource library for all to read and appreciate the Taoist ideas and philosophy.

Many of the scriptures are only recited during important rituals and fasts (斋醮), and are not commonly conducted. However, many of the scriptures are commonly conducted for the followers. Rituals can basically be categorised into two types – Blessing rituals, and Salvation rituals. Blessing rituals includes blessing of the living, repentance, confession, and adhering to the regulations of the faith. Salvation rituals includes the pardoning of sins for the deceased, and liberating them from misery and sufferings.

The following links are the scriptures for the rituals I commonly preside and “prescribe” for any requests for rituals. These rituals may be conducted in temples, or at home. The scripture of the Big Dipper (太上玄靈北斗本命延生真經) mentioned that one may hold rituals or prayers in temples or at home using fresh flowers and fruits (種種香花,時新五菓。隨世威儀,清淨壇宇,法天象地,或於觀宇,或在家庭,隨力建功請行法事,功德深重,不可具陳。) The Taoist priest shall recommend the suitable site for conducting the prayers.

For Smartphone Users … You may follow the entire ritual by clicking on the following links!

Daily Prayers (Morning and Evening Rites):

1. Morning Rites: 太上玄門早壇功課經
2. Evening Rites: 太上玄門晚壇功課經

Blessing Rituals (祈福法事):

1. Ritual of the Big Dipper (Li-dou): 清微禮斗科
2. Ritual of Praising the Constellations (Zan-xing): 玄門讚星科
3. Book of Praises and Hymns: 瑤壇讚本
4. Scripture of Yu-xu: 玉樞寶經
5. Precious Litany of Guan-Yin (Ci-hang): 慈航靈感度世寶懺
6. Precious Litany of Patriarch Lu Dongbin (Lv-zu): 九天大羅玉都師相呂聖真君無極寶懺 (唱誦版)
7. Precious Litany of the Jade Emperor for pardoning sins and conferring blessings: 玉皇宥罪錫福寶懺
8. Enshrinement Ceremony for new images/statues of deities (Kai-guang): 開光灑淨儀
9. Scripture of the North Dipper to eliminate misfortune and prolonging life: 北斗消災延壽真經
10. Presentation of memorials for Taoist fasts: 法會上表儀
11. Spiritual Audiences with the Deities (Volume 1): 玄門朝科上集

Salvation Rituals (超幽法事):

1. Ceremony to invoke the Masters: 玄門啓師科
2. Anterior Heavens ritual of feeding, refining, and saving Spirits: 先天斛食濟煉幽科
3. Ritual of illuminating the lamps and scattering the flowers: 關燈散花科
4. Ritual for summoning and purification of the Spirits: 玄門攝召真科
5. Ritual to summon and honour the Spirits: 玄門開位科
6. Prayers for the Spirits: 玄門朝靈科
7. Precious Litany of Tai-yi to save the spirits and bless the living: 太乙濟度錫褔寶懺
8. Litany of the Three Officials to pardon sins: 三元滅罪水懺

*** For complete listing of Taoist scriptures, kindly visit:

Taoist rituals are sacred ceremonies that may only be presided by ordained Taoist priests. The scriptures (in digital format) above are similar to the copies used by Taoist priests, however, please be informed that there are many skills and incantations which are passed on by word of mouth through Master to Disciple. Such skills, including spells, visualisations, regulating of energies, talismans, etcetera, are strictly not revealed or recorded in the scriptures. Thus, the above scriptures should only be used as reading materials for reference and the appreciation of Taoist ideas and philosophy. One SHOULD NOT attempt to conduct the rituals without the guidance and advise of a Master or a Taoist Priest.

Happy Reading and best wishes!

Master Chung Kwang Tong (Wei Yi)
December 2011