Ask the Youths!

Searching for answers to Taoist beliefs, traditions and practices?

You may consult our youth Taoist priests here!

It is always difficult to verify the authenticity of Taoist priests on the Internet. Many may provide seemingly ‘great’ answers and make false claims. Some boasted abilities and skills comparable to those Superheroes you watch on TV. Others painted images of ‘Taoism’ that is full of superstitions, myths, legends and paranormal activities. We hope to provide a platform for seekers of the Dao to better understand and appreciate Taoism.

Our Youth Masters

Master Chung, Master Liu, and Master Chin practiced the Taoist scriptures and rituals since their teenage years. They are all ordained at the age of 18 at Hiang Tong Keng Temple in Tampines, Republic of Singapore. They all practice under distinguished Hong Kong Taoist priest, Master Leung Tak Wah. They are active in promoting inter-faith and intra-faith engagements in Singapore and abroad. They were featured numerous times on the Straits Times and other print and broadcast media. Although they are young, they received proper training and guidance. All of them have at least 5-10 years of experience.

We are searching for like-minded people, especially youths and young adults, who are keen to practice the orthodox Taoist scriptures and rituals! Join us now! Kindly contact Master Chung at to find out more!

莊光棟(惟義)道長 – Master Chung Kwang Tong (Wei Yi)


Taoist Priest (High Priest)
Bachelor of Arts (Oklahoma City University)

Master Chung, Singaporean, born in 1984, started learning the Taoist scriptures since 2000. He was ordained as a Taoist Priest in 2003 and became formal disciple to Master Leung Tak Wah in 2004. He received his ordination as a High Priest in 2009. Master Chung is currently undertaking graduate studies at the Malay Studies Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore. For full CV, please click HERE.

Contact Master Chung at

劉培華(惟星)道長 – Master Liu Peihua (Wei Xing)


Taoist Priest
Bachelor of Information Technology (University of Wollongong)

Master Liu, Singaporean, born in 1986, started practicing the Taoist scriptures since May 2002. He was ordained as a Taoist priest in 2004. Master Liu is one of the founding members of the Singapore Taoist Federation Youth Group, and currently he is serving as the Assistant Secretary-General. He represented the Taoist faith in the Singapore Interfaith Youth Forum 2007 and the Religious Youth Summit organized by the World Conference on Religion for Peace (WCRP). He is also a Member of the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association (SANA) Taoist Care and Counselling Services.

Contact Master Liu at

陳奎融 (惟信)道長 – Master Chin Kwee Yong (Wei Xin)


Taoist Priest
Exploration into Faiths (EiF) Interfaith Facilitator
Diploma in Business Computering (Republic Polytechnic)

Master Chin, Singaporean, born 1989, started practicing the Taoist scriptures since 2004. Ordained since 2007, Master Chin is very passionate in interfaith understanding and he was trained as a facilitator to facilitate inter-religious dialogues for the Exploration into Faith (EiF) programme and other interfaith engagements. Master Chin is currently serving National Service.

Contact Master Chin at

All information correct as on 1 January 2012.